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3D printing services offered by a member of iVita cluster

During complicated times caused by Covid19 Lithuanian doctors needed help with innovative ideas for face visor. Having a stressful time and a shortage of certain equipment "Robotic school" engineers quickly and professionally come up with new designs. It took a couple of days to organise financial support and enough materials so we could provide enough face shields for everyone who was in need. Robotic School's team provided the first designs to everyone who wanted to join in and help to ensure the elimination of shortage. The organisation called 'Freedom TV' ordered 60 000 face shields to give away for doctors and medical department staff  as a charity and support. This idea led the company to higher demand for this product and they had realized that they can supply face shields not only for doctors but for everyone who is in need to protect themselves. Improving face shields models and advising with doctors and listening to specialists comments they come up with few different face shields depending on certain activities. If you visit the company website called you will be able to see all designs and ideas on how to fight back COVID 19.