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New cross-sectorial colaboration with Amueabla

On 21 March 2019 iVita cluster together with five partners ssubmitted Erasmus+ application "Fostering the innovation in the European habitat and e-health sectors through the Public Procurement of Innovative solutions to improve the European SMEs competitiveness"(HAePPI).
The main objective of the HAePPI project is to develop a new learning curriculum on PPI in line with the needs of habitat and eHealth SMEs.
In order to achieve project purposes, a Strategic Partnership has put 6 entities together from different countries and expertise in the different fields of the proposed project: two Universities with high expertise in public procurement policies (UNIZAR and ULO); two clusters from different sectors, habitat and eHealth (AMUEBLA and iVITA); a Technology Park and a business organisation expert in innovation management (STP); and a macro-regional hotspot for health and innovation (ScanBalt).